
apartment residence, 2011–2019

The mountain dwelling cascades down to the sea. This mountain is divided up into 60 apartments. Its shape is designed to give both a frontal view of the Black Sea and a view to the north-west along the Bocharov River, above the pines, towards the mountains.

Curving, the building recedes from the water line, surrendering its space to the sea. A plateau, a flooded area, sits in front of the horizon. A point of attraction is the path to the beach. Within the structure of the surrounding landscape, two separate houses and a swimming pool are hidden.

The mountain is lined with green copper, feigning an attempt at being invisible. The lines of balconies are needed to open the view to the sea from each apartment.

LOCATION 66 Polytechnicheskaya St., Sochi
CLIENT YG-development
STATUS built
AREA site 1,2 Ha; footprint 3300 sq. m.; total area 20,670 sq. m. (incl. villas 955 sq. m.)
Yury Grigoryan
Artem Kitaev, Artem Staborovsky (concept)
Tatiana Lagotska, Yulia Gunina, Elena Khrekina, Igor Skachkov, Savely Tkachenko (project stage, supervision)
Facade architecture — KME