Barvikha Luxury Village
shopping street, 2003-2006The curved street is carved out of a two-storey block of wood, six hundred by one hundred meters. Five squares open the street to the highway. The broken line of the street forms a pedestrian zone. On both sides, there are wooden shops, linked by glass passages between the squares. On the east side, the street is terminated by a theater, and on the west side, by a hotel.
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LOCATION Barvikha, Moscow region, Russia
CLIENT Mercury
YEAR 2003-2006
STATUS built
PROGRAM retail
TEAM Y. Grigoryan, A. Pavlova, I. Kuleshov
J. Gunina, N. Kosykh, E. Kartashova, I. Skachkov, S. Sidorenko
PHOTO Y. Palmin
Korobeynikov 1
apartment house, 2003-2005Mercury Theater
concert hall, 2003-2008